Welcome to our Associates page, these relationships are the foundation of our growth and enable us to continually innovate and deliver excellence in everything we do.
Welcome to our Associates page, these relationships are the foundation of our growth and enable us to continually innovate and deliver excellence in everything we do.
Prasantha is a senior associate with CeDRE International. He has more than 30 years of experience in finance, management, managing for results & strategic planning, both in the private & public sectors. He has been a consultant to ADB, World Bank & USAID in MfDR/IRBM serving in countries such as Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Zimbabwe & Malaysia.
John is an expert in public sector management, budgeting, and reform. Formerly a senior manager with the Department of Finance, Australia, he holds a Masters in Agriculture and has extensive consulting experience in public sector management in Australia and internationally.
Doug is an experienced public sector management expert specialising in public policy analysis and management. He has over 35 years experience in the Canadian public sector in various capacities and senior positions. He has extensive experience in the field and has worked in several developing countries.
Ganyani Khosa is an international consultant based in Zimbabwe and is an IRBM and MIS expert. He has more than 25 years of experience in the area of management information systems, IRBM, monitoring and evaluation, E-Government as well as software design and development. He is CeDRE International’s lead consultant on ICT, MIS and DSS matters and is highly proficient on ICT and E-Government matters. Ganyani is also an experienced trainer for the public sector.
Burt is an expert in evaluation and is a well known expert in the international evaluation arena. He writes, consults, and speaks at international forums on evaluation regularly.
Jerry is a senior associate with CeDRE International on program evaluation and program performance measurement. He is currently also the Director of PPSE International and a former Director, Program for Public Sector Evaluation, RMIT University, Melbourne Australia. He is a well recognized international expert with over 38 years experience in program evaluation, program performance measurement, data collection, and data analysis.
Lim is a senior associate with CeDRE International. Mr Lim has more than 40 years of working experience with public, private and civil society organisations involving various consulting and capacity building programmes in strategic planning, performance management, competency management, human capital capability development, productivity enhancement and quality management. His overseas assignments on IRBM and IRBM&E includes missions to Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Pakistan and Zimbabwe.
Dr. Aru is the Senior Advisor of CeDRE International. He is an internationally renowned expert on the Integrated Results-Based Management (IRBM) system, Strategic Planning, Results-Based Budgeting & Monitoring & Evaluation Over the last twenty five years, he has served as policy and technical advisor to more than 20 countries in Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Europe, and the Middle East on Integrated Results-Based Management (IRBM), result-based strategic planning and budgeting, integrated results-based M&E, and public sector performance transformation.
Nidhi is a former UNDP staff with over 10 years of experience working on international assignments in New York, India, Africa, Malaysia and Indonesia focusing on policy and technical support related to programme designing, research, and monitoring and evaluation. Her assignments have covered diverse themes such as refugees’ social protection, inclusive growth, private sector development, SME financing and development, social policy related to women and child rights, crisis recovery and response and climate change adaptation. She has been a consultant to UNDP, UNHCR, UNICEF, AusAID, World Bank, GiZ and DfID. She has a Masters degree in Public Affairs from Indiana University, Bloomington.